Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Home Improvements: Exterior: Trees, part 1

There is a lot to talk about this week on the Home Improvement front... :-)

The sellers stated they were un-aware of any dead trees on the property... but the first spring/summer revealed a few very-dead trees and several nearly-dead trees.

We, with the help of some friends, removed 2 very dead trees, 1 mostly dead tree, and 3 that were impeding the growth of other trees last weekend.

Two of the trees were quite large, and required the help of a back hoe.

The first very-dead, and very-large tree revealed termites.

I've since learned that termites are common in Colorado and feel very fortunate to have not experienced them before now.

My research confirms we have the Subterranean Termite Worker, pictured on the left below.  No others were observed.

We isolated this wood, until we were able to confirm the species... and will continue to keep it isolated until a professional inspection and treatment are completed, which have been scheduled.

Fortunately, no termites were apparent in the other trees we removed.

Cuttings from the live trees were given to the goats.

Non-infested logs were cut and stacked for firewood, and the branches were hauled away.  I probably should get a rack to raise this wood off of the ground.

AND I continue to find trash left behind by the previous owners.  :-/


There are at least 5 more trees to address, at this time.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Do you have any recourse with the sellers for the water damage & dead trees?