- Round 1 - 10 days
- Round 2 - 17 days
- Round 3 - 15 days
- Round 4 - 14 days
- Round 5 - 8 days
- Round 6 - 4 days
- Round 7 - 1 day
Friday, January 27, 2023
Fiber Arts Friday: Sock Madness 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Things That Work: Feedbag String
Friday, January 20, 2023
Fiber Arts Friday: Packing Up Again
Friday, January 13, 2023
Fiber Arts Friday: Save Our Sheep Sweater, part 14
Since last time (early October), I reached 25 rows for each portion of the Hog Island Breed Band.
I put both sleeves on stitch holders and cut a couple of the life lines to allow for a better fit check.... at this point, the body is ready to begin the final section.
The final section is supposed to be about 3-inches long, after 4 rows of Navajo Lines... which means I did not have enough Hog Island available to complete the Navajo Lines. Therefore I spent some time considering the end in context of my available yarns.
After contemplation, I added 2 rows of Jacob-American, before beginning the final Navajo Line section, since I didn't like the idea of starting it on a color change.
Then did the final section in Jacob-American, with the last two rows and bind-off in Black Welsh Mountain.
Binding off took a few sessions, since the deep black yarn is hard to read and my needles are quite slippery.
I did the bind-off using the Simple Stretchy Bind Off demonstrated in this video.
Remaining now are to finish out both Sleeves, make the Button Band, Kitchener the armpits closed, and weave in the ends. Getting Closer each day. :-)
Happy Fiber Arts Friday!
Monday, January 9, 2023
Alpacamundo Monday: Farm Improvements, Gutters
Last winter I talked about getting a pair of cleats to help with the ice that builds up on the sidewalk adjacent to the dog kennel and yard.
This is the result of ~3 inches of snow melting on the roof, then running onto the sidewalk and re-freezing...
Friday, January 6, 2023
Fiber Arts Friday: New Normal Socks, part 6
Now that the tubes are done, it's time to make the Inserted Heel.
So I picked up the stitches at the two lifelines I left in place previously, and removed the scrap pink yarn.