Friday, December 17, 2010

Fiber Arts Friday: Odds and Ends

I was travelling again this week, so there was no progress on my Plumber Sweater.  There was no progress on my Recycled Wool Nightcap.  Nor was there progress on spinning the remainder of my Cashmere/Tussah Silk roving.

I have been working on a Top Secret project for a sometimes reader of this blog, so I will not be posting about it here until the time is right. :-)

I have also been making plans for the lovely Suri and Yak/Merino yarns that Hubba brought from Japan.

Finally, I have been planning a second BFF Hat and shopping around for just the right roving.

I fear a bit of Fiber Arts ADD is in my future.  But it doesn't matter because it's Fiber Arts Friday and I bet there will be more great ideas to add to the list.


Dutch Hollow said...

Eh, I have Fiber Arts ADD too... Hardest part is actually finishing a project.

Michigan Fiber Festival said...

Ah, Fiber ADD, that's the best kind to have.

Here's hoping you can slow down a bit in your travels so you can enjoy the fiber time.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

WonderWhyGal said...

oooh, the Michigan Fiber Festival response was from me. Yes, I am beginning a blogger alter-ego because I need to write more ;-)

AllyB said...

Oh my, that roving is magnificent! I'd love to see it when you get it spun.

Kathryn Ray said...

@DutcHollow - the good news is that I'm back down to 2 projects plus spinning... so 3 projects. ;-)

@WonderWhyGal - lol. I relish the times when I HAVE to write. Since I've beem blogging, they are happening more and more. :-)

@AllyB - I will definately share the spun roving. I'm excited to start, but will wait until after Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Fiber Arts ADD gets to the best of us! I'm hoping to cure mine somewhat with a WIP wrangle in the new year. :)

Alittlebitsheepish said...

I think a bit of fibre ADD is inevitable, no project ticks all the boxes all the time- the sock for travelling, the garter stitch for social knitting, more complicated/bigger stuff for at home....

Kathryn Ray said...

@JessCreations - WIP Wrangle?? I LIKE that term. :-)

@HalfPint - agreed, but I get a little stressed out if there are more than 2 or 3 WIPs.

So I'm gonna try to keep by WIP list short and my ToDo list can be as long as it needs to be. ;-)