Monday, December 6, 2010


I was feeling unsettled all weekend.

I was preparing to travel to Minnesota.  It was sort of strange after being home for a month.

The dog was unhappy.  He knows what the black bag means.

I had to be home for much of the month of November and I am very blessed to work for a company and client that allowed me to meet my personal requirements.  But, after a month of client meetings in my jammies and coffee breaks with the alpacas, I was preparing to travel again and feeling unsettled.

I enjoy being at home.  I enjoy being able to spend time with the alpacas, our dog and Hubba every day.

But this morning I was back in the groove.  I woke up early, went to the shuttle, breezed through security, a two-hour flight, picked-up the rental car and was off to the office.  Just like normal.

So I'm not sure why I was unsettled.

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