Wednesday, March 9, 2022

In the Garden: 2022, part 3 - Continuing to Plan

Since my last post (part 2 on 2/2/22 ha), I received all of the ordered varietals and maintained my organization by planting date.  My seed box is packed very full.  :-)

I have a loose plan for what to plant where.

I intended to prune my Black Raspberries in mid-February, but we've actually had winter, including some extremely cold temperatures.... so this has not yet been completed

The "sun room" has not gotten warmer since January, so I'm losing confidence that this will be useful for seed starting.  Which means I will likely be on the hunt for seedlings in mid-May, rather than starting the late-season seeds here...  on the bright side, I will have lots of late-season seeds for next year.  :-D

I still need to clean out the beds and improve the soil with the alpaca and goat manure we've collected thus far.

I also need to firm up the compost location.

While there is always more to do, and it is snowing today, there are signs of spring... Robins, Red-winged Black Birds, tiny bits of green... spring will be here soon.

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