Saturday, March 10, 2012

Napping in the Sun

I've learned not to freak out when I see this...

Seeing an animal sprawled out and not moving is generally not a good sign.  But when it's a beautiful, spring day it's really hard to resist a good nap in the sun.

This morning, our two older girls were napping when I went out to do the chores.  I was able to rouse Kocoa before I got to the gate, but it took the dogs to wake Keyla.

Don't we all look a little dazed after being rudely woken-up from a good nap?


AC said...


Kate (KnitsInClass) said...

Too funny - they like to lie in the sun, just like our dog! (I also would freak out seeing a farm animal laying on the ground like that - sometimes I double check to make sure our dog is breathing, too!)