Friday, September 13, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Cattitude, part 2

I completed the joining of the hem during the last day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC)

Since I did not leave a marker at the beginning of the round upon casting on, I spent some time marking the first stitch with a handful of removable stitch markers... Once that was complete I joined the hem by stitching the two sides together... I did a few stitches using a short dpn, but then moved over to a leather stitch holder which worked better.

I finished the crown at the end of August (August 26th)

I only have 11g of the full skein remaining... but I also have 25g remaining from another skein and another project (Emotonal Support Chicken and Yarn Fest Homework)

Next step is to figure out where there ears should go.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Circles the Square, part 3

We took a last-minute trip to San Francisco over Memorial Day Weekend.  Fortunately with both socks set up for travel, I was able to take one with me and chose the sock with the 9-inch circulars.  I made fair bit of progress on the airplane... finishing the cuff and beginning the leg.

Then I spent much of Memorial Day unpacking my studio, which means I now have access to my longer circular needles.  So I pulled out two 16-inchers and two 24-inchers and then moved both socks to the longer circulars... both socks are now much more comfortable to be knitting, and both have the cuffs complete.

In June I took both socks with me on a 10-day road trip, so I was able to make some progress.

Then a few unexpected light days meant I finished both legs at the end of June 2024.

In mid-July, I completed both Heel Straps

and began work on the first Gusset.  These socks sure look weird right now.  lol.

By late July (2024), I completed the first part of the first Gusset.  I am pleased that the Rainbow Trout stripes are not in an even cadence.... if they were, it would be very obvious that these rounds are longer than on the leg section, and therefore thinner.

I find myself wanting to make a pair of these out of my mini-rainbow skeins... since the skeins are separate, I could control the thickness of each strip... but there would be more ends to weave in.... alas, something to spend some time on later.  ;-)

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!