Friday, June 21, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Studio Update

So in the fall of 2022 we embarked upon a significant remodel of our house.

Then, thanks to the exceptionally wet spring, the Studio Floor needed to be replaced, which was accomplished the fall of 2023... and while that work was going on, we decided to improve the lighting.

Then, we decided to buy our Dog Training School which we brought through a lot of upgrades.

So the re-moving-in has been going very slow for the last 6 months... just a little hear and there.

However, on Memorial Day, at the end of May, Hubba and I had time off together and spent much of the day bringing in and assembling the big stuff.

Having the big pieces in place gave me access to the fiber stash and tool bins, which are now mostly organized.

So while I'm not finished moving in, I have started working my day job again from this space.

And it feels so good.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!