Friday, September 27, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Squares the Circle, part 5

Last time, I had both socks on 9-inch dpns and a few rows into the second half of each gusset...

While the pattern calls to decrease to 64 stitches prior to working the toe, I decided to check the fit at 72 stitches... I really dislike my toes being pinched... so I want to ensure there's enough space for the ball of my foot and toes...

Pretty good so far.  I plan to continue fit checks after each decrease round....

and the result is as written.... 64 stitches remain.

And at the end of the Paris Summer Paralympics on September 8th, I had both gussets complete, the first foot complete, and the second foot started...  Time flies when you're having fun.  :-)

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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