Friday, November 22, 2019

Fiber Arts Friday: For the Love of Ravelry

I've extolled my love of Ravelry before, including when I recently bought yarn that was not the color I intended.

I had decided to keep the wrong yarn, and have a general idea of a project for some of it, but I have far more yarn than I need.

So when I received a message asking if I was willing to part with one skein a few weeks ago, my answer was, yes.

It turns out the inquirer lives and works in the area that I travel to for work.  So we decided to meet up at a local yarn shop for knit night to exchange the yarn.

We started the evening as strangers, grateful the other was willing to meet in a public place among people we both knew.  We knit together and told stories.  We learned that we know several of the same people thru our day jobs.... and we finished the evening as friends.

I love that something so simple and ancient as knitting, using a tool so contemporary and wonderful as Ravelry, can bring people together so easily.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

1 comment:

Linda said...

That's awesome! I love meeting fellow knitters out in the Wild, LOL!