Monday, October 7, 2019

Alpacamundo Monday: Hay Delivery Day

Hay Delivery Day is one of the best days of the year.

We've been getting hay from our current Hay Farmer for the last few years.

He grows a high quality hay, bales in small squares, delivers, stacks, and arrives at the pre-arranged time... and if that's not enough, he checks the bales as they are being offloaded and removes any that don't meet his standards of quality.

The alpaca are always excited for Hay Delivery Day.  This year, I noticed the dogs were excited too.

Rather than putting up a defense, it was more a happiness to see a friend.  I'm sure my body language contributed to the welcome, but also the fact that the barn was set up and ready for his arrival with the doors left wide open.

Hay used to be my biggest worry.

Thanks to my Hay Farmer, it's no longer a stresser.

We are set until next fall.

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