Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Heat Advisory?

This is a new term for me.

I have been spending about half of my time in Minnesota lately.  This week, I am in Minnesota.  On the news this morning they said there would be a Heat Advisory today and a great opportunity for tornados.

Hmmm, Heat Advisory?  I guess it's supposed to get hot today...

By mid-afternoon, I was freezing in the air conditioned office and decided a walk outside would feel good.  It's was 86 deg F which is not hot in my experience.  I grabbed my sunglasses and building key and headed outside.

It was like I just stepped off an airplane in Houston or Fort Lauderdale, but without the smell of fish. The air was thick and sticky with humidity. 

Living in New Mexico for so many years and now being very aware of the 25-30% humidity in Colorado, this 79% humidity in Minnesota is something strange.

Supposedly the 86 deg F plus the 79% humidity makes it feel like 100 def F outside.  I never quite understood that math, but I can see how being out in the current weather for an extended period of time would get uncomfortable.

As for the tornadic activity, I suppose those are still yet to come.


WonderWhyGal said...

Welcome to my world. It's like this all summer long here in Michigan. Take it easy and drink plenty of water.

oak haven alpacas said...

I love the quote:

"it's not so much the heat, it's the humidity."

I can handle warm, I love warm! Bright sun and warm days are what I live for. But when it's so humid you sweat just sitting around, it's no longer nice warm, it muggy.

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

Ah, the joys of Minnesota in the summer! The last time I went home in July I ended up having to use my grandmother's nebulizer because the humidity was screwing up my breathing. But since I don't tolerate heat well and mom and dad have AC it still calls me home during the summer sometimes. That and mom's birthday at the end of the month.

Kathryn Ray said...

hahaha. I love warm too.

But I guess I understand now why my friends from more humid climates would freak out when I would say... "It's only 95, it's really nice out."