Wednesday, April 15, 2020


I shared this meme on my Facebook a few weeks ago...

As an introvert, it made me laugh.

But the reality of it is true.

So if you happen to be an extrovert and are reading this, I ask you to consider the anxiety you've been feeling over the last month.  Have you been anxious or uncomfortable about having to stay at home?

If so, acknowledge that anxiety.  Make a clear note about how it feels.  Then think about the relief you're likely to feel when we are on the other side of this crisis.

Now swap it.  This is how your introverted friends are feeling right now.

Right now we feel relief for not having to do extroverted things.  Of course this situation is concerning and even scary... but not having to be in the public, face-to-face, interacting with people we don't know is a relief.

And when we're on the other side, this anxiety you are feeling today will be back to being a daily part of our lives.  Please consider that when you're worried that we don't extrovert as much as you do.

Stay Healthy,  my friends.

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