Wednesday, June 5, 2019


It's uncomfortable to read anything more in depth than Facebook or Twitter on my phone while I'm on the airport shuttle.  So I have not been reading blogs as much as I would like and for the most part, it's too dark to knit.

I was reminded of the idea of podcasts a while back.  While I have listened to a few over the years, I had not been a subscriber until recently.

I met the people of the Abundant Earth Fiber Mill at StichesWest earlier this year.  They had just started working on their Modern Wool PodCast which is now being published.  As a former teacher, Lydia is an excellent storyteller.

The Soil to Soil PodCast produced by the Fibershed in San Geronimo, California is also quite good.  I learned about them through our own local Mountains and Plains Fibershed.

The Practical Farmgirl of Northwest Guardians is starting a Podcast.  The first episode is here.

The Dropout, produced by ABC Radio, is the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos.  This story is still very much in progress, so to listen to how they got to where they are today was interesting.

Do you listen to PodCasts? If so, what do you recommend and why?

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