Friday, August 2, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Estes Park Wool Market, 2024

As I have done the last couple of years, I took classes at the Estes Park Wool Market this year.... in early June.

The first was called "How do I spin Thee..?" with Maggie Casey...

I brought my wheel.  She gave us dyed rovings.  We explored ways to showcase the color differently.


The second class was my third in the Drum Carding Series by Clemes and Clemes, "Carding for Color."

We began with the three primary colors.... cyan, yellow, and magenta.

Each student was given a formula to create a gradient of opposite colors on the color wheel.

We each then created our gradient batt and shared our opposite colors with the other students to create a fibery color wheel.

As far as my annual shopping experience, I wasn't looking for much this year... and since we were getting ready for a road trip and another big event, I did not go back to the Market over the weekend.

As the market preview, I did find a few yarns and a bag I liked.

They also gave us a great canvas bag as part of the class registration fee.

Next year, I hope to be able to spend more time at the market.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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