Wednesday, September 14, 2022

New Adventure: Chickens, part 3

As with any farming adventure, once you claim a victory, you are swiftly dealt a failure.

Fluffy Face was taken from the coop this morning.

There is no obvious entry or exit point from the coop walls and all that's left is a pile of feathers near the water bowls.  Therefore the most likely predator is an owl.

I found the chicks hiding in their chicken house.  They are all ok and accounted for.

So I will be closing the doors to the chicken house in addition to the coop over night until we are able to get netting in place above the entire coop.

For those who may be wondering where our dogs are.  They are in the adjacent yard because the existing fencing in the chicken yard is not adequate for keeping the dogs in.  There is also a long process for LGDs and Chickens to trust each other

We do have plans to improve the fencing which has experienced delays.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Well shit. So many things to think/learn about with a new farming venture. Sorry about Fluffy Face.