Friday, December 20, 2019

Fiber Arts Friday: Mending

About a month ago, my favorite Patagonia jacket ripped.  :-(

Yes I know they will repair it for free, but I was on the road and was going to need my jacket during that trip.

So I stopped by a Local Yarn Shop (LYS) and found an interesting wool/camel thread and some sewing needles.

I stitched my jacket up as best I could using a Whip Stitch while bleary-eyed, late at night.

This is not a great stitching job.  Obviously I had a hard time keeping the feathers in, but it is functional.

I felt bad about the quality of my work for a few days, especially since creative mending is so popular right now.  However, I was happy to be wearing my jacket during the very cold weather a few days later.

Then my jacket tore again last week.  sigh.

I don't know if it's getting snagged on something under the airplane seat in front of me or what.... but again, I was in need of the jacket in short order.

This time my seam is better.  I used the Blanket Stitch and was both more rested and had better light than the first repair.

I suppose my poor repairs invalidate the warranty on my favorite jacket.  But I do enjoy the fact that I can repair my own garments and therefore extend their life and keep them out of the landfill.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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