Tuesday, August 6, 2019


I restarted my yoga practice about a month ago.

I wasn't planning on writing about it here, at least not for a while.  Mostly because I wanted to make sure it was, in fact, re-started.  But also because some things just need to stay private.

Anyway, I was talking with the studio owner recently about my day job and travel schedule and told her how happy I was to have the Sunday afternoon class.

She commented that as a project manager, I probably accomplish a lot more than most people.... I had to agree, but then told her the down-side is that I don't rest very well.

I have always been goal-oriented, which means I have always been very busy... learning and working toward my goals.  The flip side of this is that I am an introvert, and need quiet time to recover.  My day job as a project manager is counter to my needs as an introvert.  So I most often recharge by spinning, knitting, or brushing my dogs.... but sometimes I need to truly check out, which I did last weekend and cancelled all of our plans with others.

I spent the weekend catching up on farm chores, brushing dogs, spinning yarn, learning how to use my new Inkle Loom, knitting, listening to podcasts, and watching Star Wars.  Hubba and I made a quick trip to the Farmers' Market and to see my entries at the County Fair, but otherwise I checked out.  He went to spend some time with his friends and I took a nap.

I took a nap, not because I was exhausted and could not move any more, which is my usual.  No.  I took a nap because my brain needed a break.  I stopped what I was doing, went to the bedroom, and took a nap... and I did not feel bad about not accomplishing my next micro-goal.

I credit my month of yoga practice with helping me take a mental break... a mental break that I hope to take more frequently.

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