Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fooled Me

As I've said a few times that I did not label the plants in my garden.  Also a few of these plants I have not grown before.  Enter the cucumber...

There is a big, tall plant in the middle of my garden.  It is perfectly spaced between the zucchini and yellow squash and perfectly aligned between the rows.  I planted a cucumber but I couldn't remember exactly where.  So it made perfect sense to me that it was in this location.

I had been wondering if it was ever going to flower and give me wonderful cucumbers for our summer salads.  Then a few days ago I noticed the beginnings of flower heads.  Now as I mentioned, I've not grown cucumbers before, but I thought these didn't look right.

Then, Ta Da!!! It's not a cucumber.  It's a volunteer sunflower.  I had a pretty good laugh at myself.

So it seems I can add cucumber to the list of plants that did not survive our cold spring and hail storms.

On the other hand, we have been harvesting a few zucchini and yellow straight-necks every couple of days and the many, many green tomatoes are getting bigger.

My one lone corn stalk looks like it might do something soon and the beets and carrots are all ready for harvesting.

So this summer has been quite a fun experiment so far.  I can't get over how productive my squash plants have been.  They never did this well in Albuquerque.  They definitely have more access to rain-water here as well as more sun.  Yes, I know New Mexico generally as more sunny days than Colorado, but my garden there had shade from big elm trees where my garden here has zero shade.


Spinster Beth said...

Awww, no cucumbers!

Looks like you got lots of zucchini, though! My squash didn't do so well this year, but the tomatoes and eggplant made up for it!

Voie de Vie said...

Love that healthy-looking zucchini!

And @spinster beth: Oooh, eggplant - yum!