Friday, August 16, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Tour de Fleece, 2024 - part 6

Now that the Men's Tour and the Olympics are concluded, the Women's Tour de France is beginning.  So the Tour de Fleece, Femmes is beginning too.

The Chiengora Team has decided to be loose.  So I am focusing on finishing the little bit of Tibetan Mastiff I have remaining from the Men's Tour, the 1/2 ounce of Paco-Vicuna I started during the Men's Tour, and the two rovings of Suri Alpaca I have set aside.


I don't have any time or specific progress goals, other than spin each day.

This tour is only 7 days, so I will not accomplish as much as the 3-week race.

Monday, August 12

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  10 mins

Tuesday, August 13

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna: 15 mins

Wednesday, August 14

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  15 mins

Thursday, August 15

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  40 mins

I finished the Paco-Vicuna single today.

Weekly Status:


  • Alpaca-ish:  1 hour 21 minutes
Days Spun: 4 of 4

Finished Skeins:  0

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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