Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Things That Work: Filters

As an engineering student, I had an internship at The Coors Brewing Company, in Golden, CO.

The group I worked in was responsible for the utilities throughout the entire plant and local operations.  This included chillers, piping, heating, ventilation, and waste water treatment.

While in school, I learned a lot about filters and at Coors I saw filters in real-world application.

The job of a filter is to remove particulates.

I use a filter (sieve) when I'm canning tomatoes and raspberries and want to remove the seeds.

I use a filter (strainer) when I'm bottling kombucha.

I use a filter (cheese cloth) when I'm straining yogurt or making cheese.

Chefs use filters all the time when they want to make a sauce more smooth.

My car has a cabin air filter, engine air filter, oil filter, and fuel filter.... all of these are necessary for safe operation.

Your home heaters and air conditioners have at least one air filter.

By definition filters are replaceable equipment.  They do not last forever.  As a filter collects material it's filtering capabilities improve to a point where flow then begins to reduce... this is when they need to be replaced or washed.

All of these filters have multiple layers except for sieves or strainers.

I truly do not understand people railing against the use of filters (masks) to protect our communities from the spread of an airborne, infectious disease.

Personally, I have been wearing a filter (mask) during hot yoga for well over a year.  I wear a filter (mask) when I go for a run or walk off my property.  I wear a filter (mask) at the grocery store, gas station, and any other place of business I visit.... including the office where I am employed.  I also wear glasses.

Wearing a filter (mask) is only a big deal, if you make it a big deal.

Filters (masks) Work!

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