Friday, October 4, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Squares the Circle, part 6

As of last time, I was just beginning the second foot...

Thanks to catching Covid in early September, I had a lot of quiet and alone time and was able to complete these socks.

"Thanks" is of course is said facetiously... there were several days with a cloud in my head where I couldn't think critically or for very long on anything... the only thing I could do was make stitches... slowly.

I do not wish this illness on anyone.  Having Covid sucks and anyone who says otherwise is not being truthful.

That being said, I am delighted to have these socks completed.

I love how the Rainbow Trout colorway has varying thicknesses of each color, so it's not obvious that the heel rounds are longer and therefore thinner stripes.

These are by far the best fitting socks I've made thus far.

The construction of these socks is really quite interesting.  I'm glad I worked it exactly as written and am looking forward to using this pattern again.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!