Friday, January 20, 2023

Fiber Arts Friday: Packing Up Again

Now that we've been living in our new place for a year, we have been getting ready for a remodel.

The kitchen will be gutted, the laundry room modified slightly, and all of the flooring replaced, except the bathrooms which will be updated at a later time.

We have secured temporary housing nearby so the animals are all staying put and we will be checking on them constantly.

This also means that I have a new Box of Incomplete and Queueing Projects... Most of these are in the planning stage, rather than the in-work but stalled stage.  So that's good.  :-)

While this bin is larger than the last one, it also includes all of the mending projects I have queued as well as materials for a large weaving project.  Including this half-measured warp that has been returned to it's spool.

I am leaving this table loom project as is.  I think there is still a chance to repair it... once I have several hours of quiet time and brain space available.  ;-)

My wheels, other looms, and all of my books have also been packed away.

It was nice having a mostly organized studio/office for a while.  I love my space and plan to arrange it a bit differently when we move back in.  Honestly, I am so excited about our remodel project, that I am willing to tolerate being in transition for a few more months.

I have been trying to keep the total in-work number closer to two or three and the queue at one or two... Especially since two of these are sweaters.  ;-)

Happy Fiber Arts Friday... and Happy New Year!

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