Friday, August 30, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Cattitude Pussy Hat

Well, I really don't need another project on my plate... but if you know me, you know some things just need to be done.

With the Republican attacks on child-free women recently (here and here)... I, along with many women like me, have been incensed.

One, I follow on Threads, took it further and wrote a (free) pattern for an updated Pussy Hat.  This one is angry and has her ears folded back... full-on Cattitude.

With the addition of Tim Walz to the dem ticket, I feel much more positive and fighting FOR something, than AGAINST something.

So while I was vacillating between including one of the phrases on  the brim, I decided to leave it word-less.  :-)

My hat is still green... though mine is much darker than the BRAT green suggested in the pattern. :-)

At this point, the first day of the DNC, I am ready to join the brim...

I should have done two things when casting on this project...

  • Marked the beginning of the round and
  • cast on over a lifeline.
Sigh.... picking up these dark stitches will take some patience, good light, and good glasses.

Until next time, Happy Fiber Arts Friday.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Tour de Fleece, 2024 - part 7

 **Second part of Women's Race

Continuing with the second half of the Women's Tour de Fleece... I am pleased to have completed the Paco-Vicuna single last week.

Friday, August 16

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  15 minutes

I began plying today.

The cake weighed 30g (~1oz) when I started and now weighs 20g.  So I only plied about 1/3 of the single.

Saturday, August 17

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  11 minutes

I have a knot in the singles... if I'm not able to open it, I will have to break the singles and make 2 yarns.

Sunday, August 18

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  10 minutes

I was able to remove the knot, then continued plying for ~10 minutes.

I have 8g remaining to be plied.

Weekly Status:


  • Alpaca-ish:  1 hour 21 minutes + 38 minutes = 1 hour 59 minutes

Net Days Spun: 4 of 4 + 3 of 3 = 7 of 7, no missed days

Finished Skeins:  1


While I did not finish the Paco-Vicuna during the tour, I did finish it this week.... while also making and resolving another ouple of knots.  :-/

The total is 30g (1 1/8 oz), 93 yds, 2-ply over ~2hours and 7 days.

Remember - The Paralympics start on August 28.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Tour de Fleece, 2024 - part 6

Now that the Men's Tour and the Olympics are concluded, the Women's Tour de France is beginning.  So the Tour de Fleece, Femmes is beginning too.

The Chiengora Team has decided to be loose.  So I am focusing on finishing the little bit of Tibetan Mastiff I have remaining from the Men's Tour, the 1/2 ounce of Paco-Vicuna I started during the Men's Tour, and the two rovings of Suri Alpaca I have set aside.


I don't have any time or specific progress goals, other than spin each day.

This tour is only 7 days, so I will not accomplish as much as the 3-week race.

Monday, August 12

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  10 mins

Tuesday, August 13

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna: 15 mins

Wednesday, August 14

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  15 mins

Thursday, August 15

Alpaca-ish - Paco-Vicuna:  40 mins

I finished the Paco-Vicuna single today.

Weekly Status:


  • Alpaca-ish:  1 hour 21 minutes
Days Spun: 4 of 4

Finished Skeins:  0

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: County Fair, 2024

As mentioned in my Tour de Fleece, Hommes wrap-up, these two skeins were entered into our local county fair.

On the left is Tibetan Mastiff (2 3/8 oz of 2-ply) and the right is Huacaya Alpaca + Bamboo (~4 oz of 2-ply). Both were primarily spun during the most recent Tour de Fleece.

I don't have great expectations for either yarn... 

  • The Huacaya Alpaca + Bamboo has bits that are over-spun and not resolved during plying.  But it is a really soft and consistent yarn, otherwise.
  • The Tibetan Mastiff is a much better yarn.  It is well-balanced and generally an even gauge, but not entirely.
So we shall see what the judges think...

I also had one entry in Preserved Foods for Blueberry Curd.  This idea blew my mind.  I'm so excited to learn that many fruits can be made into a curd... not just Lemon, which I absolutely love.

While we bought the blueberries, the eggs were produced by our hens.  :-)

The grand champion in the spinning+weaving category was a 3-ply yarn that was absolutely exquisite.

I always (!) love going to the Fair, and especially looking at the quilts.  I'm certain that I've mentioned this before.... we have some truly amazing quilters in my county.  :-D

We looked at all of the open exhibits and the 4H exhibits.  We watched some market lamb showmanship.  Walked through the barn to see some of the sheep and pigs.  Ate some amazing Brisket+Mac-n-Cheese.

I hope you have the opportunity to visit your local county or state fair.  It's always a fun time, in my opinion.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Estes Park Wool Market, 2024

As I have done the last couple of years, I took classes at the Estes Park Wool Market this year.... in early June.

The first was called "How do I spin Thee..?" with Maggie Casey...

I brought my wheel.  She gave us dyed rovings.  We explored ways to showcase the color differently.


The second class was my third in the Drum Carding Series by Clemes and Clemes, "Carding for Color."

We began with the three primary colors.... cyan, yellow, and magenta.

Each student was given a formula to create a gradient of opposite colors on the color wheel.

We each then created our gradient batt and shared our opposite colors with the other students to create a fibery color wheel.

As far as my annual shopping experience, I wasn't looking for much this year... and since we were getting ready for a road trip and another big event, I did not go back to the Market over the weekend.

As the market preview, I did find a few yarns and a bag I liked.

They also gave us a great canvas bag as part of the class registration fee.

Next year, I hope to be able to spend more time at the market.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!