Monday, November 7, 2022

Alpacamundo Monday: Winter Water

Keeping the water free from ice is always a concern for me, especially until we get past the first real test... which happened last week, Thursday-Friday.

We got both a little snow and a hard freeze.

In the morning, everyone's de-icer had worked.  Hooray!!

We have simple sinking de-icers for the alpacas and goats, that I put in place about a week earlier.  No one has pulled it out or messed with it, which often happens when I first put them in place.

Ruby, the barn cat, has an electric water bowl.  The dogs have access to everyone's water along with several buckets that are indoors.

The chickens got a completely new watering system.... I introduced this to them about 10 days earlier, using this method, in order to ensure they all understood how to get their water.

The six birds are drinking about a half-gallon daily, which is consistent with what they were consuming prior to the new waterer.

Hopefully this solution keeps the water both clean and flowing.

Happy Almost-Winter!!

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