Friday, March 26, 2021

Fiber Arts Friday: Feeling Some Creative Energy

Some of you may know that after 18 months of commuting out of state for work, I was laid off in April 2020 due to Covid-19.

This layoff was my 10th in a 25-year career (so far) and lasted 9 months, until I began a Part-Time Contract in January 2021.

During that 9-month period of focused job searching I did spend time practicing yoga (masked and distanced), cooking nutritious food, and returning to a more regular sleep pattern.  However, very little inspiration, design, or enabling work occurred with respect to creative pursuits.

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll know that I spun a lot of yarn over the last year.  For me, spinning is always part of a much larger project, so it generally does not require much creative energy to execute  But toward the end of my layoff, I even lost the mojo for spinning yarn.

So here we are, in late March 2021.  My employment situation is not fully resolved, but the project I'm working on is quite interesting and the creative juices are starting to flow again... even if it's just a trickle.

I finally removed a yarn from one wheel that was finished in early December 2020.  I am back to spinning nearly every day, have  (occasionally) picked up a long-languishing knitting project, and have had a few bouts of creative inspiration.

I have no promises for regular blogging as of yet... but Spring is coming.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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