Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Shearing Day, 2019

The first Saturday in May, is the Kentucky Derby.... but it's also our typical shearing day.

Shearing Day is by far the most important in our alpaca-raising year.

It's time for their annual haircut so they're not too hot when summer arrives, but it is also our major herd-maintenance day.

On shearing day, each alpaca gets a thorough check out.  Their teeth and nails are trimmed, if required, and anything needing a follow-up on a less-busy day is noted.

This is the day that we truly know how well we're doing.  Have we bred quality alpaca and have we cared for everyone well-enough?

Several friends are kind enough to spend the day with us, getting dirty, telling stories, tending to the animals, and eating good food.

Shearing Day is one of my absolute favorites!

Next Step?  Skirting!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I helped with a alpaca shearing day up in Michigan some years back. It was hard work, hot, dusty, interesting, educational and FUN!