Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm Still Here

The last few months have been crazy-busy with the Day Job.

So busy, that I had a drafted post for Fiber Arts Friday last week and did not get it posted.  I have hardly even read most of my favorite blogs for months, let alone written anything.

Aside from working, sleeping and doing the minimum of farm chores, there hasn't been much else going on.  I wish I could say I'm working on something amazing or ground breaking, but I can't.  All I can say is that it's consuming most of my time and energy.

It's January, though.  The days are getting longer.  The weather was remarkably lovely last weekend.  I saw a Robin several days ago and the Geese seem to be on the move.

Hubba and I took a day to visit with a friend and his new Tibetan Mastiff Puppies over the weekend.  Of course, our dogs were very interested in what we had been up to.  ;-)

My seed catalogs have arrived.  I'm realizing that in about 2 months it will be time to start planting early-season seeds, so I guess I should get busy on my plan.

Next month, I'll start booking shearing clients too.

Spring is coming.  I hope I'm ready for it.


Spinster Beth said...

Spring is coming, oy ... snowing here! It's torture just thinking of warm spring this time of year!

Its_Lily said...

Yeah, I sort of fell off the face of the earth too. I had some really great changes happen in my life and I've been devoting all my free time to them. Perhaps I'll get back to the blog, but for now it has to be enough to go visit my 'friends' on occasion. Wishing you happiness.