Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Week in Pictures

Friday Morning: I have been spreading spent hay and alpaca manure on the first garden over the winter.  The soil has warmed up enough that it seems possible to start tilling, but we're expecting snow on Saturday.

Saturday Morning:  2 inches of what became about 5 inches of accumulation before the day was over.  It never really got below freezing, so the snow was melting as it was accumulating.

Sunday Morning: fresh snow and blue skies.  The 5 inches are about half melted already.

Monday Morning: What snow?

Tuesday Morning: We were surprised by another 4 inches of the fluffy white stuff... also half melted by the time I took the photo.

Wednesday Morning:  A little frost, but the snow is gone again.

This morning, Thursday:  We had our first night that stayed above freezing in quite a while.

Theoretically I should be able to plant the early season seeds this coming weekend, but with all of the recent moisture, the ground has been too wet to do any meaningful garden preparations.

My next opportunity to do any garden preparation is Saturday, which has a forecast of rain.

I am not complaining, we need the water.  :-)

Happy Spring!


city garden country garden said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your Spring garden take shape. You're going to try broad beans this year aren't you? When will you put those in? I'll be planting mine in a month or so. Funny how our planting seasons are so different!

Gracey is not my name.... said...

It looks like fun times! we had an almost 60 degree day on Wednesday..imagine my surprise when I walked out yesterday and saw a coating of snow...and it was bitter cold today..

Kathryn Ray said...

Yes. I will be planting Broad Beans. :-)