Saturday, November 20, 2010


For as long as I can remember, I have been called responsible.

I used to hate it every time report cards would come out... "she is very responsible."

It was on every report card.

Just once, I wanted a teacher to write that I was creative or intelligent or entertaining.

But no, I was always responsible.  Which to me, meant dependable, predictable and boring.

Maybe it had something to do with being the oldest child.

Maybe because I was (and still am) quite shy and uncomfortable in large groups so I didn't act out.

I'm sure I was a teacher's dream student.  I made good grades and didn't require much attention.  I was quiet and well behaved.  I'm sure they meant responsible to be a compliment, but I hated it.

Over the years I have come to terms with the label.

Being considered responsible is a good thing.

It is a part of who I am, but it is not all of who I am.

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