Monday, March 9, 2020

Grounded... for a while

With the spread of COVID-19, I am officially not travelling for the next several weeks.

Certainly parts of my day job are easier to do face-to-face, but with prolific video conferencing and chat tools, my travelling is not essential.  So in light of the current uncontrolled public health concern, it doesn't make sense to continue with risky behaviors.

As a farmer, I am already a diligent hand-washer and don't get sick often.  But now that I don't have to pass thru airports, sit on airplanes, ride in rental cars, and stay in hotels, while having an erratic sleep schedule, I feel much better about our situation and readiness.

... and since a couple of people in my family are part of the 20%, it's imperative that I (1) stay healthy, and (2) don't unknowingly carry COVID-19 (or the flu, or common cold).

My comapany's EH&S officer shared this graphic today.  I don't know the source, but it is pragmatic in showing the similarities and differences between COVID-19, Influenza, and the Common Cold.

It also states what we know and don't know about the Corona Virus currently.

As far as I can tell Sudden and Abrupt mean essentially the same thing, with Abrupt "lacking grace."  Not sure how grace applies to medical conditions though.

I also find this map by Johns-Hopkins useful.

Stay Healthy, my friends!

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