Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tibetan Mastiff Tuesday: Bone Cancer

Wonton (KayaKyi Annapurna), our very first and lead livestock guardian, was diagnosed with Bone Cancer in mid-August.

The typical treatment is pain management with an average life-span of 1-3 months post-diagnosis, or Amputation + Chemo or Radiation, which will typically add another month or so.

Since the cancer is on two spots in her front leg and in her lungs, we decided to focus on pain management and spend as much quality time with her as possible.

Well, this week we are at 5 months post-diagnosis.

Wonton had her 9th birthday in December and she saw another New Year's Day a couple weeks ago, both of which we did not expect.

She has a cameo in our DogumentaryTV episode and I recently saw this video of her and Gunnar goofing off from about 4 years ago.

Wonton and Gunnar have been my A-Team for a long time.  Wonton has had a role in bringing up each of our other dogs.

The other dogs know she is not well and are very sweet with her.

So we know we don't have much more time with her, but for now she still enjoys working a little and her sense of humor remains in tact.

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