Friday, July 19, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Tour de Fleece, 2024 - part 4


As Week 3 begins in this Tour de Fleece, I feel like I've been in a groove... though it will be interrupted due to other activities this coming weekend.

Friday, July 12

No spinning was accomplished.

Saturday, July 13

No spinning was accomplished.


Sunday, July 14 - Challenge Day

Alpaca-ish: Double K Diamond Llamas - Katydid (Huacaya Alpaca+Bamboo): 49 minutes

No specific challenge was attempted today.  Though, I did finish plying this single.

Monday, July 15 - Rest Day

TM: Ramen: 19 minutes

I did get a little bit of spinning in today.

Alpaca-ish: Double K Diamond Llamas - Katydid (Huacaya Alpaca+Bamboo)

Wound the finished yarn off the bobbin and gave it a bath.  There are 200 yards in 4 5/8 oz of completed yarn here.


Tuesday, July 16

TM: Ramen: 15 minutes

Alpaca-ish: Switzer-Land Paco-Vicuna: 21 minutes

There's only one ounce between these two small balls of roving.  This Paco-Vicuna was purchased from the farmer at an Art Show during last year's Estes Park Wool Market.


Wednesday, July 17

TM: Ramen: 56 minutes

Alpaca-ish: Switzer-Land Paco-Vicuna:  30 minutes

I re-wound the ball of roving so that I could spin from the other end, and it is going more smoothly.

Thursday, July 18

TM: Ramen: 34 minutes

I have ~3/8 oz of prepared TM remaining, but I am planning to start plying tomorrow, since it will take at least a couple of days to get the plying completed.

Weekly Status:

There are only 3 days left in this Tour, so I plan to begin plying the Tibetan Mastiff tomorrow.  I will aim to complete the Paco-Vicuna single by Sunday, then begin plying after this Tour concludes.


  • + TM:             4 hrs 20 mins + 2 hrs 4 mins = 6 hrs 24 mins
  • + Alpaca-ish:  7 hrs 12 minutes + 1 hr 40 mins = 8 hrs 52 mins
  • = Total:           11 hrs 32 minutes + 3 hrs 44 min = 15 hrs 16 mins

Net Days Spun:  -1 -2 +1 = -2

Finished Skeins:  0 +1 = 1

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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