Friday, June 24, 2022

Thoughts on Roe v Wade and the ERA

 When I was coming up there was a lot of talk about the Equal Right Amendment (ERA).

We were told, that companies would do the right thing by women, and therefore the ERA did not need to become an Amendment to the Constitution.

50 years after it's inception, not only have women NOT achieved parity, but today, we no longer have authority over our bodies.

Over the years I've seen decisions for companies such as Hobby Lobby to prevent Birth Control from being covered by company-provided health insurance.... when even the employees pay a significant portion of the premium.

We see society (right-wing, especially) saying that people just need to work harder... that if they could not afford to care for those children they should not have had them in the first place.... when the other hand is removing the safe guards.

We see a constant push against funding for health care, education, clean air, water, technology... all things that would make being a human and caring for human children easier.

We see a push to remove "entitlements" such as Social Security and Medicare... even though they are not "entitlements," we pay for them with every single pay check received.

I have been a feminist since I learned what the word meant.  It was a derogatory term at the time, but it was clear to me, at that young age, that I and I alone, was responsible for my personal care and well-being.  I have been fortunate to find an excellent partner in life, but that is not true for everyone I know.

This is a sad, sad moment in our country.

There are so many other things to say, but let me finish with this...

If you think that you don't know anyone who has been raped, had an abortion, or been sexually harassed, or discriminated because of their gender... Know that you do know women who have experienced all of these things.... You just don't know any women who trust you enough to tell you about it.

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