Tuesday, March 15, 2022


The benefits of being toward the end of our Farm Moving Project, and not travelling every.single.week, and having a day job that allows me to work remotely and primarily with my strengths is that I am starting to have time.... which really means I am having the energy and clarity of mind to write/edit, and therefore publish my thoughts.

As a child, I understood that one could either be good at writing OR math.  Not both.

I was, naturally, very good at math... while reading comprehension/writing were harder for me.  So since I was a girl and good at math, I was weird, but normal.

In high school, I decided that I wanted to be better at writing and have since worked very hard to improve my writing skills over the years.  You, as the reader, can tell me if I'm good at it or not.  ;-)

I think I'm decent at it... though, some posts are certainly better than others.

But I digress...

For me, one of the great benefits of where I am in life right now, is that the energy and mental clarity for writing/editing is available to me again.

It helps that I'm not working on classified or confidential projects in my day job, nor am I travelling every week to an office out of state, nor driving every day to an office an hour away.

So this is contributing to the fact that this blog is more active right now... and this makes me quite happy.

I hope you are happy too.

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