Friday, December 30, 2016

Fiber Arts Friday: Happy New Year!

Years ago I submitted my first-ever Fiber Arts Friday post.  I was still pretty new to fiber arts and The Alpaca Farm Girl was hosting the weekly link-up.

A few years later, The Wonder Why Gal started hosting Fiber Arts Friday.

I went through peaks of posting and linking up each week, as well as valleys of posting less than once each month.

Over the last year or so, when I had something fibery-related, I still used the Fiber Arts Friday label.  It's one of my favorite bloggy traditions.  So in 2017, The Wonder Why Gal has passed the torch to me.  I hope to do my predecessors proud, and I hope that you will join me here each week to share your fiber-y adventures.

I finished spinning this Bison+Silk a while ago, but just got around to washing it.  It was a very nice preparation from The Buffalo Gal in southern Wyoming.  I acquired it at the Estes Park Wool Market a few years ago.

The silk gives it a nice luster and it's quite lovely after being washed.

Happy New Year and Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

NaBloPoMo 2016

Whelp.  NaBloPoMo 2016 did not go as well as I had hoped.

There was a lot to think about last month.  Much of which had to simmer before publishing.  So I have several draft posts that did not make it out into the world.  I also have several drafts in my notebook that did not even make it to Blogger draft status.

I wrote something about half of the days in November and only published on a third of the days.  So while not great as far as metrics go, something is better than nothing... which was at the heart of my goal for the month. :-)

I hope everyone has had a nice fall (or spring).