Saturday, February 21, 2015


Yes.  I want to go.

I spent some time trying to figure out how to make it work this year.  However with a still-new-job, I did not have enough accrued vacation to allow the time away.  It's a 3-day drive to NYC from Alpacamundo + 3 days in NYC = ~9 days away, traveling across the US in the winter.

Even if I had enough vacation, we knew we would still have puppies at home, and as much fun as they are, they require a certain amount of attention.

So we decided not to go to Westminster this year and went to the much closer (1 hour away) Rocky Mountain Cluster and made plans to watch Westminster on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

We don't have cable TV, so did not have the code to watch online either.  What a bummer to have to wait.  But we did see the breed judging and group judging later online and followed the live results on Facebook.

I'm delighted by the judge's choice for the TM Best of Breed.  He is a top ranked dog, not overly-coated, well put together, and is often owner-handled.  While he was not owner-handled at the Westminster show, the owner was in the ring with another one of her dogs.  What an exiting moment for her!

This gives me hope that Gunnar and I could do well at a show like Westminster.  Hopefully we'll be able to go next year.


Unknown said...

I offer my home for a place to stay as you travel across the country next year! We are right off of I-64 if that would fit in with travel plans. Can you tell I want to meet your precious dog!!!

Ruth said...

Depending on the route you use, if you pass through NY on I90 lemme know, you can take a break here and say Hi to Apollo!

I was thrilled with the TM choice too, for much the same reasons.

I know Westminster was live streaming the breed judging, didn't check to see if they were streaming the groups, since we have Direct TV....

Kathryn Ray said...

Thanks guys - I will let you know. :-)

They were live-streaming the breed judging, but not the groups and other evening programs.

I missed the TM judging.

Spinster Beth said...

It was not a good time to be driving around the East Coast!