Monday, February 27, 2012

Flexibility, Calmness and Strength

I restarted yoga earlier this month with the goal of increasing my flexibility, mental calmness and physical strength.

I have practiced yoga regularly in the past but it's been pretty much non-existent for the preceding 3 years or so.  As a result I've gained weight and pain and lost flexibility and strength.

Usually when I restart something as intense as Bikram Yoga it's pretty rough, but my first class went remarkably well.  I think it's because I made sure I was well hydrated for a few days before as well as prepared my mind to be focused on the moment.  I had decided that if I needed to sit down I would, but my goal was to remain standing (and breathing) throughout the entire standing series.  I did.  I was very surprised and proud of myself.  :-)

My second and third classes were quite wobbly but I was able to experience improvement in many of the postures.  There's nothing quite like instant gratification, right?

I am really liking this studio.  Between the instructors, students, location and decor this studio has a great vibe; very welcoming and comforting.   Always a nice thing when you're starting out.  :-)

Behind making the time and actually going to the classes, I think the hardest part about restarting yoga has been leaving my stuff at the door.  It's been taking me about half the class to get into the zone of just focusing on my breath and posture and not thinking about the stuff that happened that day or still needs to happen or whatever.  Leaving the stuff behind has definitely been the most challenging.

So now that it's been a few weeks, I'm feeling great.  My pain, flexibility, strength and peacefulness are all improving.  Hubba says I look different.  I'm not so sure about that, but it's nice that he thinks so.  ;-)


MarmePurl said...

I haven't been to a yoga class in a about 6 weeks. I need to get back to it. Many thanks for the gentle push.

Voie de Vie said...

So how many times per week do you make it to the studio? I absolutely see how it's a great way to still the mind and focus. And if hubbs notices, well ...

Kathryn Ray said...

I'm making it to class 2-3 times each week.

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

I made it to Yin twice last week. I'm trying to figure out if I can squeeze myself into the space at the end of the bed or not. I don't think twists will be an option there. Though the basement is still semi-usable and more so after our sorting/organizing this weekend so maybe I can practice there soon. My preference is our living room, but that is still stuffed with boxes from the basement...

pinkundine said...

Sounds like restarting was an excellent plan. I have no flexibility at all!

A couple of yoga instructors have commented on how bizarrely my tendons and muscles are attached, and how they apparently make it very hard to ever get good at yoga.