Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year - 2010

Today, is New Year's Day.

Today, we begin the first day of the new year with a new task... feeding our alpacas and mucking the corrals.

Today, is the first day we can say, "We are Full-Time Alpaca Ranchers."

Today, is the first day the Ray Family and Alpacamundo are in one place.

Today, if I want to visit my alpacas I can walk across the back yard.

Today, Project Relocation is complete.

Today, a new year and a new life begins.

Happy New Year!


Knapper Alpakka said...

Congrats on all the positive changes and good luck!

WonderWhyGal said...

I'm so happy that your herd is home. May your farm be blessed this year and years to come. Congrats and enjoy!

allison said...

It's very poignant that they arrived on the very last day of the year. Congrats. Can't wait to come visit.