Friday, October 11, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Piney House Socks, part 1

After playing with the Rainbow Trout Colorway for more than a year on two different Top-Down sock patterns (Jaywalker and Squircle), I wanted a solid-color and Toe-up sock.

I looked at a few options, and then settled on House Socks by Purl Soho in the Alpine Fir colorway by one of my favorite local-ish indy dyers, Teton Yarn Company.

I have been doing a lot of Twisted Rib lately.  Mostly on a project I have not shared here yet.... that being said, I like the simplicity and construction of this sock.

... and given the last few days of Covid+ Tests, not only was I able to finish Squircle, but I was able to make a lot of progress in a short few days... nearly completing the first foot by the time I had a negative test.

I am continuing to work on these a little each morning and evening, while watching politics and sports, and hoping I'll be able to complete them in short order.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Squares the Circle, part 6

As of last time, I was just beginning the second foot...

Thanks to catching Covid in early September, I had a lot of quiet and alone time and was able to complete these socks.

"Thanks" is of course is said facetiously... there were several days with a cloud in my head where I couldn't think critically or for very long on anything... the only thing I could do was make stitches... slowly.

I do not wish this illness on anyone.  Having Covid sucks and anyone who says otherwise is not being truthful.

That being said, I am delighted to have these socks completed.

I love how the Rainbow Trout colorway has varying thicknesses of each color, so it's not obvious that the heel rounds are longer and therefore thinner stripes.

These are by far the best fitting socks I've made thus far.

The construction of these socks is really quite interesting.  I'm glad I worked it exactly as written and am looking forward to using this pattern again.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Squares the Circle, part 5

Last time, I had both socks on 9-inch dpns and a few rows into the second half of each gusset...

While the pattern calls to decrease to 64 stitches prior to working the toe, I decided to check the fit at 72 stitches... I really dislike my toes being pinched... so I want to ensure there's enough space for the ball of my foot and toes...

Pretty good so far.  I plan to continue fit checks after each decrease round....

and the result is as written.... 64 stitches remain.

And at the end of the Paris Summer Paralympics on September 8th, I had both gussets complete, the first foot complete, and the second foot started...  Time flies when you're having fun.  :-)

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Squares the Circle, part 4

 As of the last post, I was ready to begin the second half of the first Gusset....

Since then, I am well-into the second half of the first gusset and have moved it to a single 9-inch circular.  I have also set up the second sock for the first part of the second Gusset, as of the end of July 2024.

And... at the end of August, I have both socks into the second half of the Gusset.

As of this writing, the DNC concluded last week and the Paris Paralympics begin on Tuesday.  I have put together a list of the football games for the local teams, but I'm unsure if I will work on these socks along with those games.

In the meantime, Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Cattitude, part 2

I completed the joining of the hem during the last day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC)

Since I did not leave a marker at the beginning of the round upon casting on, I spent some time marking the first stitch with a handful of removable stitch markers... Once that was complete I joined the hem by stitching the two sides together... I did a few stitches using a short dpn, but then moved over to a leather stitch holder which worked better.

I finished the crown at the end of August (August 26th)

I only have 11g of the full skein remaining... but I also have 25g remaining from another skein and another project (Emotonal Support Chicken and Yarn Fest Homework)

Next step is to figure out where there ears should go.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Rainbow Trout Squares the Circle, part 3

We took a last-minute trip to San Francisco over Memorial Day Weekend.  Fortunately with both socks set up for travel, I was able to take one with me and chose the sock with the 9-inch circulars.  I made fair bit of progress on the airplane... finishing the cuff and beginning the leg.

Then I spent much of Memorial Day unpacking my studio, which means I now have access to my longer circular needles.  So I pulled out two 16-inchers and two 24-inchers and then moved both socks to the longer circulars... both socks are now much more comfortable to be knitting, and both have the cuffs complete.

In June I took both socks with me on a 10-day road trip, so I was able to make some progress.

Then a few unexpected light days meant I finished both legs at the end of June 2024.

In mid-July, I completed both Heel Straps

and began work on the first Gusset.  These socks sure look weird right now.  lol.

By late July (2024), I completed the first part of the first Gusset.  I am pleased that the Rainbow Trout stripes are not in an even cadence.... if they were, it would be very obvious that these rounds are longer than on the leg section, and therefore thinner.

I find myself wanting to make a pair of these out of my mini-rainbow skeins... since the skeins are separate, I could control the thickness of each strip... but there would be more ends to weave in.... alas, something to spend some time on later.  ;-)

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Cattitude Pussy Hat

Well, I really don't need another project on my plate... but if you know me, you know some things just need to be done.

With the Republican attacks on child-free women recently (here and here)... I, along with many women like me, have been incensed.

One, I follow on Threads, took it further and wrote a (free) pattern for an updated Pussy Hat.  This one is angry and has her ears folded back... full-on Cattitude.

With the addition of Tim Walz to the dem ticket, I feel much more positive and fighting FOR something, than AGAINST something.

So while I was vacillating between including one of the phrases on  the brim, I decided to leave it word-less.  :-)

My hat is still green... though mine is much darker than the BRAT green suggested in the pattern. :-)

At this point, the first day of the DNC, I am ready to join the brim...

I should have done two things when casting on this project...

  • Marked the beginning of the round and
  • cast on over a lifeline.
Sigh.... picking up these dark stitches will take some patience, good light, and good glasses.

Until next time, Happy Fiber Arts Friday.