Friday, May 24, 2024

Fiber Arts Friday: Emotional Support Chicken™

Well... on April 30th, while I was between the Trout Jaywalker Socks and the Trout Circles the Square Socks, I happened upon the Emotional Support Chicken

I was kind of thinking I wanted to make a chicken... but the idea hadn't really formulated yet and POOF, there it was... I bought the pattern almost immediately.

Then all of a sudden, I realized a whole lot of people were making their own Emotional Support Chickens.  There are also  kits available for both knitting and crochet.

Who knew so many people could use their own Emotional Support Chicken??

Isn't it funny how you don't see something, then once you start paying attention, that something is everywhere?

Anyway, I know someone who could use an Emotional Support Chicken... and in checking my stash, I have all of the supplies needed to make one resembling our Rooster.

So I pulled the pieces together and cast-on late on May Day.

The US-7 needles feel giant after so much US-0 work.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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