Friday, December 30, 2022

Fiber Arts Friday: Summer Cardigan, part 7

Since last time, I have separated the Upper and Lower Panels, stitched the Upper Panels together, and made the Sleeves.  I also added a row of Single Crochet to the bottom of the Upper Assembly to aid in joining to the bottom panel, and counting stitches...

After counting and marking stitches on both the Upper Assembly and Lower Panel, I was stunned to realize they match.  Exactly!  182 stitches, each.  This is a wonderful result and not, at all, expected.

So I seemed them together using the counting stitch markers as reassurance along the way.

With all of the pieces joined together, it looks a bit like a doll dress. :-/

So I'm not loving this as much as I hoped, yet.

Blocking helped, but it still seems fat around the middle.  :-/

I may take it apart and re-seem the Upper Assembly to the other side of the Lower Panel, which is the cast on edge.... But in the meantime, this project is complete.

I am now at four active projects.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

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