Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Garden 2019, part 2

My seeds arrived last week, so I took some time over the weekend to plan the layout of my garden.

My intention is to do weekly plantings with a companion strategy.

Normally I just start planting from North to South and plant everything in one shot, according to the weather.

This year, my hope is that if I spend an hour or two each weekend planting, rather than an entire day, we should have a more stable and longer harvest.

I've been interested in companion gardening for quite a while, but this will be the first season where I've put more thought into companions beyond water and sun needs.

Most of my seeds are early season, which means I need to make sure I keep space open for the later and warm season plantings.

I'm looking forward to spring.  :-)

1 comment:

Ruth said...

*sigh* I need to figure out what I'm planting where so that I know how many plants to start. I gotta start the hot peppers at least by the end of this month.....