Monday, December 3, 2012

O, Christmas Tree

After Thanksgiving last week, I had an overwhelming urge for a Christmas Tree.

We haven't had one in years.  Usually we are gone for Christmas, visiting one side of the family or another and I've often felt that having a fresh-cut tree is frivolous.  I do love the tradition, but I could never bring myself to get a fake one.

We've had a few live trees over the years, but mostly we've either had nothing or a potted plant with some lights on it.

We'll be home.  Neither one of us will be travelling in the weeks prior to Christmas and they just smell amazing... so I went to our local tree lot and found a pretty one.

We don't have as many ornaments as I thought, be we have more than enough to properly decorate this tree.  

I do have way more lights than I realized.  I must have had plans to put lights on our house several years ago. ;-)

Merry Christmas.


  1. Fresh greenery smells amazing - that's a great reason to get a tree, and yours is great.

    You could always make some ornaments. :)

  2. Good choice. It's lovely. I hope you and the hub enjoy the scent and the glow very much.

  3. Oh it is beautiful - we have just broken down and got an artificial tree (real Christmas trees don't grow here in the tropics) I also didn't have many decorations so have been busily crocheting snowflakes - I will be posting a giveaway tomorrow, so give it a go - you might win some!

  4. That is how a tree should be decorated ... white lights and minimal ornamentation! Just how mine is, as a matter of fact! I love it.
