Sunday, August 21, 2011

Accidental Publisher

I'm blaming it on the Mercury Retrograde, but I (yes, I did it) accidentally published an incoherent brain-dump.

It has been returned to the draft list, but I suppose if you are on RSS or an email feed, you may have access to a peak at my process... and know that I really want a vacation right now and am thinking about Alpacamundo's upcoming anniversary.  :-)

I'm actually surprised that this is the first time I've accidentally published something.  Especially since I do most of my brain-dumping (read: journaling) in Blogger instead of a notebook these days.

Please forgive my mistake... and maybe say a little prayer that I am able to take a proper vacation soon.  ;-)


Unknown said...

Ha! I've done that once or twice, too! I always think that perhaps I should be writing drafts elsewhere, but I never do.

Unknown said...

Oh boy, I live in fear of doing this! You've just convinced me that I need to keep drafts elsewhere until they're ready for public consumption.

Voie de Vie said...

I compose in Word, and then cut 'n paste.

I feel your brain dump pain. So when is that vacation? :)